Madison County is one of the most populated counties in Wisconsin and is a fast-growing suburban area. It has two major counties, Dane and Madison, and a number of smaller rural communities. Like most cities in the US, Madison County is extremely wealthy, with its per capita income standing at over nine thousand dollars. Healthcare in Madison County is provided by some of the best hospitals in the country with specialty practices including breast cancer care, gynecological healthcare, cardiology, and dermatology being especially popular. There are also a number of community healthcare agencies and outpatient care facilities for those needing quick access to healthcare but who are not residents of the county.

Because there are many people moving to this area on a regular basis, healthcare providers can be sparse at times. This makes finding an appropriate healthcare provider a challenge for many residents. Many insurance plans do not cover healthcare costs, so Medicare and Medicaid are usually not able to pay for routine medical care. Most people living in Madison County receive their healthcare through private insurance companies. Some residents are covered by Medicare, which helps to defray the cost of hospital visits and other healthcare needs.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison provides healthcare for resident patients through the Dane County Children’s Hospital. The hospital offers a full range of specialized care from pediatric to geriatric care. Other healthcare providers include The Children’s Hospital of Regions in Madison, which also serves children outside of Dane County. The Madison area is served by other hospitals such as the Stoughton Medical Center, according to the Madison County Chamber of Commerce. These two healthcare centers provide comprehensive coverage for residents of the area.
In addition to healthcare coverage, Madison County has a great selection of quality health services. The Human Society of Madison County provides comprehensive assistance to residents interested in improving their health through education and counseling. The STD testing and counseling services are provided free of charge. The local AIDS and HIV/AIDS organizations also provide information and support to the residents of the county.
The Dane County Public Health Department is another resource that residents should look into. This office serves Dane County residents by providing access to state-funded programs for healthcare information and assistance. One of these programs is the Dane County HIV/AIDS Treatment Program, which is administered through the Department of Family Services. This program works to provide individuals with HIV/AIDS with accurate information and resources to take advantage of medical treatments available. The program works closely with other healthcare providers to coordinate care among clients.
The Madison Area Agency on Aging also serves residents in the county through a number of services. The agency provides comprehensive elder care, home health care, and dementia care, according to its Web site. The agency also coordinates provider participation in Medicaid programs and home care assistance. The Mobile Nursing Assisted Retirement community is another option for residents interested in receiving healthcare assistance.
The Family Services of Madison County also serves residents in the area. According to the agency’s Web site, the purpose of this organization is to “provide a variety of solutions for family concerns.” Some of these concerns include caring for senior citizens, assisting people who are disabled, and dealing with children and their families. According to its Web site, the organization helps people in need with financial, medical, legal, and social assistance. The agency offers respite care, home health care, and adult daycare services.
The Family Services of Madison County is one of many agencies that serve the residents of Madison County. These services can be tailored to meet the needs of residents, according to their specific circumstances. Because the county has a large population of seniors, services geared towards seniors are readily available. These services can help residents in need live as independently as possible.